Coming home after the first semester at college, we probably were bored from the monotonous life at our homes. Hence was born a sudden plan to travel to Shimla. We left on the morning of 31st December, and nothing was booked/finalised until the night of 29th December.
Summer Hills of the summer capital? :P
Travelled from Delhi to Chandigarh by train, and then hopped onto a cab until Shimla.
When you can't afford an extra bed at Club Mahindra Mashobra.
The first rainfall of the year 2015 :P
Wasn't cold enough but the scarf was cool, no?
Trying to act like a skii-pro - first experience with skiis
Kalka-Shimla "Toy train", a UNESCO World Heritage Site
When the drizzles suddenly change into snow <3
Candids anyone?
When getting a pic clicked is 1000x more easier than actual skiing.
I don't know if there exists a name for this "sport"
What's better than welcoming the new year at Shimla with friends?
Memories shared with @AnugrahPrakash and @DhanurKhurana