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The 'Nice' French Riviera

Nice, France - October 28, 2017
Located in the French Riviera, on the south east coast of France on the Mediterranean Sea, at the foot of the Alps, Nice is the second-largest French city on the Mediterranean coast. This coastline was one of the first modern resort areas. It began as a winter health resort for the British upper class at the end of the 18th century.

The 'Nice' French Riviera. Nice. MemExp BlogNice was definitely the 'nice'st part of the infamous French Riveria with it's pebble beaches - something which totally amazed me.
PS: Had to climb 300 stairs for this amazing view

The 'Nice' French Riviera. Nice. MemExp BlogPebbles <3

The 'Nice' French Riviera. Nice. MemExp BlogLike any other French city

The 'Nice' French Riviera. Nice. MemExp BlogDo you see the harbour there?

The 'Nice' French Riviera. Nice. MemExp BlogSee it now? :D

The 'Nice' French Riviera. Nice. MemExp BlogWhen you have only one jeans and you don't want it wet + pebble beaches are not so comfortable for your legs :(

The 'Nice' French Riviera. Nice. MemExp BlogA good candid?????? The first decent candid I posses in my 21.5 years of existense! Merci @MukulRawat

The 'Nice' French Riviera. Nice. MemExp BlogOui! I totally love Nice. You can't be luckier than the people living in such bliss :)

The 'Nice' French Riviera. Nice. MemExp BlogMemories shared with @MukulRawat @PratimaGurung @JyotiSharma @BaraahNachar @Akila

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