Halloween is here <3
Though typically celebrated in the US and UK, it is celebrated at a small scale in France too - coming from India, it was good enough :)
One from those multiple dinners with @TobiasScharl and @JessicaKristin
State organized Wine Festival - my second - but this was at a pretty large scale and offered around 25 different wine types/taste.
So I tasted around 9 different wines (before I got high :( )
Never knew that there were so many people in Montpellier :O
My favorite wine stall - their wine had a little of spicy element.
So because Indian food is a delicacy here, everyone is eager to taste it here - even though I cook shit. With @MaryemKortoba, @ServaneRgt and @Jeremy
I was very very very lucky to witness the light festival here - happened just 2 days before I am supposed to leave
There was light and sound show all across the city, with projections on as many as 15 prominent buildings in the city
Amazing stuff. Watch Video Here
In my approx 4 months stay in France, I helped more than 5 people develop websites - a job that I hate as a computer scientist but such is life :P
On a serious note, this enabled me to create some good friends too :) so I guess it's worth creating websites then? With @MaryemKortoba
Typical French Food. Salad, Fries, and Duck (can't eat beef :P)
Courtesy @ServaneRgt and @MaryemKortoba
Christmas is aaaaalmost here. Sad that I'll leave europe before christmas, but fortunately the decorations, markets and lightnings have already kicked in.
One of the most elaborately decorated christmas shop that (atleast) I came across.