MemExp Blog

Memories and Experiences


Kesarval Spring

Goa, India - August 10, 2015
The kesarval spring is known to have many medicinal properties and luckily it was at a short distance from our campus - making it a ideal picnic spot for us

Kesarval Spring. Goa. MemExp BlogThe kesarval spring and it's sort of waterfall

Kesarval Spring. Goa. MemExp BlogWhen the spot was less than 5 km away from or starting point but our poor navigational skills made it more than 10 :P

Kesarval Spring. Goa. MemExp BlogMore than 60% of Goa's area is forested cover - one of the highest in the country.

Kesarval Spring. Goa. MemExp BlogThe "Trek" through the green covers

Kesarval Spring. Goa. MemExp Blog

Kesarval Spring. Goa. MemExp BlogMemories shares with @IshantGupta @MayankKumar @EkanshJain @GouravGoel @SiddhantRathore @ShikharSaluja

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