If you're going to USA, the "land of dreams", how can you not stop and pay homage to Mumbai - the "city of dreams" first?
But of-course, USA is also the land of capitalism, so travel business class to Mumbai too? PS: Thanks HDFC and Vistara <3
Marine drive with @AkshayGinodia, @ShikharSaluja, @IshantGupta, @MadhurGarg
Too much to catch up when, meeting after 5 long years with @RishabhMohanSharma.
2nd stop at Pune with @ShibikaMitra, @MayankKumar, @YashHaritwal, @MeghrajJagtap, @SaurabhSikchi
French memories with @MukulRawat
Completing exactly a year with the Data Team at TESCO! @MahendraBabuIragala @PavanSavanur @SomnathGhosh @IshaanNegi @AbhiramShastri
Farewell Lunch ..
@SomnathGhosh @SunilTonger @SunilPatil @PavanSavanur @MahendraBabuIragala @RavindraKumar @Siva @AbhiramShastri @Ranjitha @ArunaValad @MalyabantaNayak
...and speech
Last 30 seconds on the "Tesco Land"
@AnkitKumar @PavanSavanur @AkritiKaur @RajatNarlawar
When Raksha-Bandhan comes early :( with @AnikaRajvanshi
Last trip with @Family before USA! Don't remember the last time when EVERYONE was together for a trip. Tears...
"Goyal" Brother from another mother @GouravGoel
The partaaaaaay I have always dreamt of throwing with over 25 people, special mentions of people from Mumbai and Hyderabad.
With @VarunGoyal, @NikharBajaj, @IshantGupta, @Ankit, @ArnavVijayakar, @AbhinavSingh, @DebadityaBasu, @AmitAggarwal, @AshkandPrasad, @BhuvanGupta, @EkanshJain, @ShikharSaluja, @PriyankLodha, @AbhijeetPratapSinghTomar, @ChiragPabbaraju
Royal treatment for the last time, before being a broke graduate student in a alien country.
After 2 months in Ireland, we finally have a pic together @AnchitPrakash :)
Undergraduate and Graduate School together! @SiddhantRathore @PranitKaul
Maybe a decade of all-weather friendship? @AnugrahPrakash
Landed to "Farzi" Cafe, directly from Bangalore, to join (to be) helluva engineers from Georgia Tech. Go jackets?
Thanks @AnishGupta and @JayatiChhabra for arranging this!
@JeevanjotSingh @ShivamSharma @DevishiKesar @GauravKakkar @DivyanshSingh @MukulRaghav @DhruvKuchhal @NitinChauhan @ShivamChandra @RaveeshGarg