MemExp Blog

Memories and Experiences


Farewell India?

Mumbai + Pune + Bangalore + Delhi, India - August 01, 2019
Time to start graduate school also meant a lot of goodbyes! I met over 30-40 people over last 2 months and am greatful to all! *sobs uncontrollably*.
PS- I also met a lot of other people but forgot to take pictures! Sorry Divyanshu, Lakshay, Dhanur, GT@Bglore meetup and soooo many more people.

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel If you're going to USA, the "land of dreams", how can you not stop and pay homage to Mumbai - the "city of dreams" first?

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel But of-course, USA is also the land of capitalism, so travel business class to Mumbai too? PS: Thanks HDFC and Vistara <3

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel Marine drive with @AkshayGinodia, @ShikharSaluja, @IshantGupta, @MadhurGarg

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel Too much to catch up when, meeting after 5 long years with @RishabhMohanSharma.

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel 2nd stop at Pune with @ShibikaMitra, @MayankKumar, @YashHaritwal, @MeghrajJagtap, @SaurabhSikchi

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel French memories with @MukulRawat

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel Completing exactly a year with the Data Team at TESCO! @MahendraBabuIragala @PavanSavanur @SomnathGhosh @IshaanNegi @AbhiramShastri

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel Farewell Lunch ..
@SomnathGhosh @SunilTonger @SunilPatil @PavanSavanur @MahendraBabuIragala @RavindraKumar @Siva @AbhiramShastri @Ranjitha @ArunaValad @MalyabantaNayak

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel ...and speech

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel Last 30 seconds on the "Tesco Land"
@AnkitKumar @PavanSavanur @AkritiKaur @RajatNarlawar

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel When Raksha-Bandhan comes early :( with @AnikaRajvanshi

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel Last trip with @Family before USA! Don't remember the last time when EVERYONE was together for a trip. Tears...

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel "Goyal" Brother from another mother @GouravGoel

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel The partaaaaaay I have always dreamt of throwing with over 25 people, special mentions of people from Mumbai and Hyderabad.

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel With @VarunGoyal, @NikharBajaj, @IshantGupta, @Ankit, @ArnavVijayakar, @AbhinavSingh, @DebadityaBasu, @AmitAggarwal, @AshkandPrasad, @BhuvanGupta, @EkanshJain, @ShikharSaluja, @PriyankLodha, @AbhijeetPratapSinghTomar, @ChiragPabbaraju

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel Preperations..

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel Royal treatment for the last time, before being a broke graduate student in a alien country.

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel After 2 months in Ireland, we finally have a pic together @AnchitPrakash :)

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel @JyotiSharma

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel Undergraduate and Graduate School together! @SiddhantRathore @PranitKaul

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel Maybe a decade of all-weather friendship? @AnugrahPrakash

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel Landed to "Farzi" Cafe, directly from Bangalore, to join (to be) helluva engineers from Georgia Tech. Go jackets?
Thanks @AnishGupta and @JayatiChhabra for arranging this!
@JeevanjotSingh @ShivamSharma @DevishiKesar @GauravKakkar @DivyanshSingh @MukulRaghav @DhruvKuchhal @NitinChauhan @ShivamChandra @RaveeshGarg

Farewell India?. MemExp Blog. Rohan Goel Take me baaaaaaaack!
@Mummy @Papa @Dadi

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