BITS Pilani - Goa Computer Science 2014
Apparently this is the best sex ratio in any of the departments!
Presenting to you "@Killogicals - we kill with puns, not guns"
Bird eye view of the skewed sex ratio in engineering :P
The outing group?
@AbhinavSingh aka GuruBro, @EkanshJain aka Snake, @YashHaritwal aka Hariya, @IshantGupta aka Lugz, @ShikharSaluja aka Pinks, @MadhurGarg aka KK, @PulkitAgarwal aka Pullu, @MayankKumar aka Monkey, @ArnavVijayakar aka Rowdy, @DebadityaBasu aka Debu
Do we even have a count of the number of projects we have done together? @ArnavVijayakar @PulkitAgarwal
Buoys of Computer Science.
PS: Spot the odd one out (as always :P)
@PulkitAgarwal @AmolSaket @AbhijeetPratapSinghTomar @MayankAnchlia @AmitRege @EkanshJain
@PrakharKhandelwal @IshantGupta @PulkitAgarwal @PriyankLodha
No No this isn't faked. True Candid with @AbhimanyuSinghShekhawat @MadhurGarg @IshantGupta @PulkitAgarwal @DebadityaBasu
How many of us have heard of the startup "Friends Connect" :P
@PriyankaPatel @DhruvMahajan
Aaah! One of those rare occassions of a good selfie with me.
@EkanshJain @MadhurGarg @AmitRege @ShivamGupta @ArnavVijayakar @IshantGupta @AshutoshSaboo @PulkitAgarwal @ShubhamAgarwal @AmolSaket
And the Nareal Award for the best couple goes to?
Thank You BITS Goa, you were awesome.